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# Beers 3715
# Bottles and Cans 4314
# Bottles 4255
# Cans 59
# Bottles and Cans this Year 46
# Projected Bottles and Cans 62
# Companies 1078
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.95
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Company: Tusker
Brand: Tusker
Type: Pilsner
Rating 2
Alcohol %: 4.2%
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Latest Sample Date: 8/3/1998
Appearance: Light golden, clear. Bubbly with a big head
Tasting Impressions:
Thin, watery and bitter. Lightly hoppy. Butterscotch taste. Mild to light taste. Pretty lame. Not good, but not overly harsh


Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
2/5/2001 5:28:48 PM  Mike    Wow. A good beer in sub-Sahara Africa - who would have thought? A decent beer by any standard and for a country who's water is practically poison to westerners, Kenya has a solid product in Tusker. 
2/6/2001 12:18:35 AM  Dills    Good tasting beer that comes in a 40 -like bottle. 
10/6/2008 9:44:27 AM  sunitha  u.a.e.  we want to import tusker beer in u.a.e. please send address and telephone number. early reply highly appreciated 
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