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BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3775
# Bottles and Cans 4380
# Bottles 4263
# Cans 117
# Bottles and Cans this Year 6
# Projected Bottles and Cans 50
# Companies 1083
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.93
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Company: Labatt
Brand: Blue
Type: Pilsner
Rating 2
Alcohol %: 5.0%
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Latest Sample Date: 11/30/1995
Appearance: Very light & clear. Big head.
Tasting Impressions:
Thin and very watery. Kind of smooth. Dry & crisp from the high levels of bitterness.

Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
9/24/2002 11:05:54 PM  Steve  NJ  Anyone ranking Blue below 4 or 5 hasn't spend enough post-lawn mowing drinking sessions chugging this brew. 
1/16/2007 8:32:30 AM  Aaron Hanna  Toronto, Canada  Take it from a Canadian Beer drinker, this is simply the best beer on the market. 
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