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# Beers 3775
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Peter's Brand

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Company: Peter's Brand
Brand: Pilsner
Type: Pilsner
Rating 1.5
Alcohol %: Unknown
Available In the USA?
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Latest Sample Date: 12/19/1995
Appearance: Very light, clear.
Tasting Impressions:
Dry & cardboardy. Smooth, sweet. Very cardboardy. Would be real good except for the overpowering harshness of the cardboard taste.


Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
5/3/2004 4:41:18 PM  WestwoodDave  Westwood  I'm not sure if I ever tasted a cardboard taste. For $2.99 a six pack, you cant beat it. i love that stuff! 
5/3/2004 4:43:07 PM  WestWooddave  Westwood  Oh, by the way, one time I drank so much peter's brand on my birthday, I ate a hummingbird.  
7/14/2005 7:01:26 AM  jeff Jackson  colorado  Having traved the world quite a bit I think I can say I have tried quite a few beers. I think any body that has the ability to taste a beer with out expecting the water smoothness of coors can appreciate Peter's brand. I'd give it a 3.75 Hollands beers don't hold up to Belgium but they are good just the same. I believe the Alcohol content is 8 or 10. I have not tied to eat a humming bird so it must not be to high. 
9/23/2012 2:51:51 AM  John McNamee  Las Vegas Nv.  I have a friend that I introduced to Peters Brand That I purchase at Trader Joes in Las Vegas. He lives in Flordia and would like to know werer he can purchase P.B. Pilsener in the state of Flordia. Pls. let me know so I can tell him. Thank You, John 
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