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# Beers 3668
# Bottles and Cans 4262
# Bottles 4242
# Cans 20
# Bottles and Cans this Year 1
# Projected Bottles and Cans 3
# Companies 1070
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.94
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Company: Sol
Brand: Sol
Type: Lager
Rating 3.5
Alcohol %: 4.1%
Available In the USA?
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Latest Sample Date: 7/15/1995
Appearance: Light & clear.
Tasting Impressions:
Sweet. Not bitter. Smooth & creamy. Light tasting, like a Kristaller Weizen.


Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
11/28/2002 4:44:23 PM  Bob  Montclair, NJ  Sol is in my opinion the best light mexican out there. For all you corona drinkers, switch to this summer beverage which is much smoother and better tasting. As with other light mexican beers, a slice of lime is always a great touch.  
6/6/2004 8:01:14 PM  Maria  Florida  Any idea where in Florida I can buy this beer? Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. 
7/22/2005 7:18:03 PM  Mike  Indiana  I have bought Sol in Panama City while on spring break. Does anyone know where the closet place in Indiana or outside of the state is the closet place to buy Sol? 
12/26/2006 11:11:59 PM  Jeff   Tampa, FL  Just bought Sol this evening at an ABC Wines & Spirits. There are over 150 of them in Florida. Here's a store locator link... 
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