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BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3715
# Bottles and Cans 4314
# Bottles 4255
# Cans 59
# Bottles and Cans this Year 46
# Projected Bottles and Cans 63
# Companies 1078
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.95
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Brewery/Brand: Saranac
Full Brewery Name: Matt Brewing Company
Founded in: 1985
Address: Brewhouse Square
Utica, New York
Phone: 8006903181
Web Address:
Does a lot of contract brewing. Formely known as F.X. Matt Brewing. Also brews Brooklyn beers.
Company Logos:

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Brand Type Style Rating Alcohol Last Date
Adirondack Amber  Ale  Amber  4.5  5.4%  4/12/1995   
American IPA  Ale  IPA  3.0    11/16/2001   
Belgian White  Belgian Wit    2.0    7/30/2001   
Black & Tan  Black & Tan    5.0  5.4%  3/4/1995   
Black Forest  Lager  German Dark  3.5  5.5%  12/20/2000   
Caramel Porter  Porter    3.0    11/24/2001   
Chocolate Amber  Stout    4.5    2/8/1996   
ESB  Bitter  Extra Special  4.5    12/11/2001   
Golden  Ale    3.0    9/26/1995   
Imperial IPA  Ale    4.5  8.5%  8/31/2008   
Legacy IPA  Ale  IPA  2.5  6.5%  6/30/2015   
Maple Porter  Porter    4.5    5/11/1997   
Mocha Stout  Stout    4.5    11/28/2001   
Pale Ale  Ale  Pale  4.0  5.7%  12/14/2000   
Pilsener  Pilsner    3.5  5.3%  1/15/2001   
Scotch Ale  Scottish Ale  Heavy  3.5    11/24/2001   
Season's Best  Lager  Dark  3.5    11/9/1995   
Single Malt  Ale    3.0    11/18/2001   
Stout  Stout    3.5  5.4%  2/29/1996   
Summer Wheat  Wheat    3.5    8/14/1997   
Traditional Lager  Lager    3.5  4.7%  12/18/2000   
Totals: 21     3.67 5.8%    
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