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Victoria Bitter

Welcome to the message board for Carlton Victoria Bitter. Enter any comments, experiences or opinions you wish about the beer.
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Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
2/3/2001 4:05:19 PM  Mike McQuigg  The Greatest City in America  This is one top quality beer - and it actually tastes better out of a can than a bottle. Enough flavor to make you suggest it to your friends, but not so much that you can't drink more than 3. This is the best beer in the world on a hot day. The only 
2/3/2001 4:10:57 PM  joe  blow  This beer is ok - not as great as you think. 
4/12/2001 8:45:00 PM      Joe blow can suck my nuts - this beer rules! 
6/27/2003 12:43:43 AM  MR E. Mann  Australia  I agree.. VB RULES!!! :) 
6/27/2003 12:46:08 AM  MR E. Mann  Australia  Oh, and here's a little VB song: "We don;t want a red one, we don't want a blue, we don't want interstate shit... only Vic will do!!!" It's by a band called the Poppin Mommas from Melbourne. The also have another classic song entitled, "Some C*nt Stole My Chainsaw". 
12/31/2003 11:02:25 PM  danielle walker  san diego california  Just got back from a trip to australia. My friend loved this beer and I am trying to figure out if I can order him some. Can anyone help me with this??????  
4/5/2004 10:20:10 PM  Chris Tangle  Italy  This beer is th ultimate tasting substance on planet earth. So you can suck my di*k if you dont like this bloody beautiful australian beer. 
5/6/2004 1:46:17 AM  hairynosedwombat    this is real beer not like that watery,tasteless american cats piss it's a definite friggin 5 good job carlton 
5/8/2004 2:54:59 PM  Bryan  San Francisco, CA - USA  Danielle Walker (or anyone else): Have you been able to find VB here in the US? I am desperate for a case. Thanks. 
5/14/2004 1:21:36 PM  Noah  New Orleans, USA  I Loved VB when I traveled to Tazmania. Does anyone know where I might be able to find it here? 
5/28/2004 7:25:22 AM  Paul  North Carolina  So does anyone know whether we can get it in the states? 
6/5/2004 10:27:56 PM  George Herrmann  New Zealand  As an American diplomat with some thirty years of travel behind me, Victoria Bitter is one of the world's very best beers. It doesn't travel well to other countries, but on tap in Australia, it's almost unbeatable. Competitors are Oranjeboom on tap in Amsterdam, Beck's on tap in Hamburg and Tuborg on tap in Copenhagen.  
6/30/2004 11:06:06 PM  Beer Lover  Melbourne  This beer is not great. To improve the taste, drink a bottle, wait 30 minutes, pee into the empty bottle, and drink again. Voila! You have markedly improved its taste! 
7/3/2004 9:17:23 PM  Pete  Melbourne  VB like so many other of the CUB mass produced Beers is fuckin basically camel piss. I have had a good laugh reading how great VB is supposed to be in some of these posts, no doubt posted by rednecks, yobos and ex-crim ute driving dickheads who cant afford to buy anything else out of their dole cheques. It is basically marketed by CUB to redneck yobo fuckwits who dont have the brain capacity to realise what their fuckin drinking. To any scumbag who has anything to say about this - Fuck You! 
8/5/2004 9:25:22 PM  Lee Priebe  Ventura, California  Is "VB" available through any West Coast/California distributor?? Please give all possibilites./ P.S. How's the surf down under? 
8/30/2004 1:04:33 AM  Tom John  Sydney  for fuck's sake, any australian who doesnt like VB is an an absolute wanker. Fuck you pete from melbourne, you dont know shit, VB and Melbourne bitter are miles ahead of Most other non "mass produced" australian beers. Im not saying it's as good as coopers but damn its better than our other on tap beers aint it. 
4/9/2006 7:20:39 AM  swany  Sydney  Nicely said Pete 
4/24/2006 3:54:01 PM  marina  San Diego CA  that's the thing about you blokes in Oz, can't answer a simple question. Several people have asked where you can buy this in the USA....are you all too dumb to answer a simple question. For goodness sakes, this is why I married an american 
4/26/2006 8:19:06 PM  Red  Sydney  We live here in Sydney and are travelling to the States in a month. We would love to know if you can get VB anywhere over there. You think a yank out there would know, you guys seem to love the stuff. And if you can't get it there, what have you got that tastes similar. 
4/26/2006 10:27:10 PM  The Holmes    Sorry, no VB in the US. Why go to a different place and have the same stuff you can get back home? Try something different. 
5/31/2006 8:52:20 PM  Burnfart  Washington DC  I found this at Question Where do I find Victoria Bitter in the USA? Answer Victoria Bitter currently has limited distribution through ships stores on the east and west coasts (which do not sell directly to the public). Foster's Lager; the international flagship brand of Foster's Australia and available in over 140 countries is available throughout North and South America. It is brewed under license in Canada by Molson Breweries and distributed throughout the US by Miller Brewing. Due to the laws of the Food & Drug Administration and US Customs it is extremely difficult to arrange personal shipments. Product requires additional labeling including the Surgeon General's Warning, in some states a license is required to receive alcohol and import tariffs are charged at a Federal & State levels which along with shipping costs makes the consignment very expensive. For these reasons we do not arrange personal deliveries and can only advise that it is a very difficult exercise. It made me sad. thank god for guiness 
6/21/2006 12:31:31 AM  Steve  Wagga Wagga - Australia  Excellent beer after a blistering hot day, working in the sun. Nothing goes down quite as good and a big cold Vic... If you don't like it, drink something else! CHEERS... 
7/3/2006 8:29:29 AM  JJ Semrad  USA  VB is the only beer I drank in Aussieland. Best beer ever and I agree, American beer can't even compare. I miss my VB. 
7/6/2006 7:31:05 AM  Terry  Texas  VB is the best beer I had in Austrailia. If I could buy it here, I would. I think it would be a big hit with the locals. Shiner Bock is a local beer that kicks ass. At least I can get my hands on it. However, I do prefer a good lager and VB is the best. 
8/1/2006 7:43:26 PM  Richard    Where in the USA can I buy VB's? Thanks 
9/3/2006 8:26:09 PM  AJB  Virginia, USA  Had some VB at a party last weekend here in Virginia. A fellow at the party works at the Australian Embassy in DC and they had just received a palet of it that week. It was decent beer, but not nearly as good as my Sierra Nevada.  
9/14/2006 12:43:58 AM  kiyy  gfd  how do u make beer i need it 4 an assignment 
9/16/2006 6:36:00 AM  Michael Lazarou    I am from the birth place of Victoria Bitter, and think it is a very low quality beer. It is far too bitter for me. I prefer Eauropean style beers. 
9/30/2006 6:10:20 PM  D Milbourne  Phoenixville, PA USA  I've been in the US for three years now and I am very interested to know of anyone who can lead me to a slab of VB in the Philadelphia area. Any ideas? 
10/20/2006 1:23:00 PM  Alan Hays  San Diego, CA  If any of your want to get a wide selection of Australian beers shipped to you in the USA (including good ol' Victoria Bitter), go here: Not sure how expensive the shipping gets. 
3/20/2007 2:46:13 PM  bearcat  Virginia USA  I contacted these guy they told me they don't ship to US. anybody out there know where I can get some VB in the USA. Is it available in Canada ? Thanks  
5/10/2007 3:45:12 PM  sirck  USA  VB is available in Vancouver at least. I've seen it, but I am also looking for it on the West coast of USA. No luck so far. 
5/14/2007 1:50:09 PM  Roxus  San Diego, CA  Just got back from Oz on Sunday afternoon, with 48 cans of VB in my luggage !!  
6/21/2007 2:25:10 PM  blocky  Melbourne, Australia  I too am trying to get some VB through to a friend of mine that is American and lives in Sacramento. Poor bloke got hooked on the stuff, and you can't blame him, great bloody beer. I hate to say it, but it's like Christmas every day just being in the holy place of VB birth! I hate to think of the suffering that goes on when you can't get you hands on a beautifull icy cold VB on a hot summers day, it brings a tear to my eye to think the whole world can't share this godlike feeling that we here in Australia are blessed with every day!! I'll try my best to get some through and if I succeed I'll be the first to let you poor bastards know how it's done. God Bless VB. Blocky 
9/13/2007 4:18:03 PM  kenny quinn  los angeles  where can I buy VB in southern California ken 
10/4/2007 10:20:30 AM  brian  New Orleans  I went to Uni Down Under and fell in love with VB. I've been looking for it in the US for 14 years, and nobody sells it - probably because it has a higher alcohol content than is allowed here. I found American beer to be just shit after I got back - tastes like water. I did find VB in Bahrain, in the mid-east, but that's the only time I've seen it since. For all you Aussies who hate VB, great - just ship it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you. 
11/20/2007 6:21:37 PM  Surely there must be SOMEONE who has brought VB into the States, right??? Can anyone confirm whether it is available in Canada or not? 
12/4/2007 8:23:24 PM  Rich  Brisbane  Had a middy of VB at Yambi Beach, and while it was fresh cold from the tap, it tasted good. That lasted for about three sips. It then took on a metallic blah taste. I was glad when it was gone. I read a comment here where someone said it tasted better in a can. Understandable. Me, I'll go with a Toohey's New, or better yet, Old. 
12/14/2007 10:11:13 PM  Bay  Sacramento, CA  God, I finally feel like I've been validated. . .I've been looking for VB for 14 years as well and from what I can tell from the remarks I am not the only one. Everyone looks at me cross-eyed when I ask if they can get it here in the States. I've heard that Coors Light owns the subsidiary. . .amazing! If anyone finds it on this continent, please let me know. Thx, 
1/6/2008 12:16:23 AM  Maree  San Francisco  Recently returned from Aus. did the Spit to Manly walk (approx. 13kms)with a bunch of American & Aussie friends. We lunched at Manly Wharf Hotel & we all craved a cold beer from the tap! My god VB is truly a nectar. I have never tasted a beer so fresh, crisp & flavoursome. Made it to the New Years day cricket - another hot & stormy day - VB to the rescue! Can't get it here on the west coast but will be in Vancouver in April so will try to get some to bring back to SF. 
1/9/2008 6:20:15 PM  Ozzie  Sydney  Maree, you went to the Manly Wharf and you had VB? Why? They have much better brews on tap. VB has the whole 'mateship' brand loyalty thing going here, kind of like the 'Bud-Miller-Coors' brand drinkers in the states, but VB is just the Aussie mega-macro-brewed preservative and chemical lager 'home brand' swill brought to you by Fosters Group. There is a lot better beers to spend drinking time and money on than VB. 
1/10/2008 10:59:53 PM  Pulin  Brisbane  Whatever whoever talk shit about my love i don't care , i love VB, forever, can not even think about other beer then this, more then a girlfriend , LONG LIVE VB 
1/15/2008 3:36:38 PM  Ryan  Canada  I've traveled to many countries and am a large advocate for good beers and hands down VB (XXXX a close 2nd) was the WORST excuse for a beer I have ever had.As well as everyone from outside(half Aussies too) I've ever met who has had it. It is short for Venerial Beer.The after taste stays with you a lifetime.....with the occasional flare up.Remember that old penny jar you had as a child?Well just add water and ear wax. Reality of it all you stand by what you were raised on and patriotism does numb the taste buds and clouds the thoughts for all the Aussies who love it,it's ok it's not your fault.It's what Daddy drank. Now for the people who enjoy VB outside of Aussies.They must drink it as a chase for terpentine. Nevermind their mostly Americans I see, so anything that doesn't taste like beer water or beer water light must be good.  
1/27/2008 6:01:20 PM  Tim  Live in NYC currently in San Fran  VB is now sold in San Fran at Cellar 360. They started to sell it Australia Day but they can not ship it outside CA. 
3/11/2008 4:32:15 PM  Susanne  East Bay CA  Cellar 360 had a launch party for VB mid Feb, so they should have it now. There website doesn't say much, so it might be just one store at this point (San Fran). Good luck. Oh, but to tie you over, you can get Coopers at BevMo. (That's a good drop too.) 
3/14/2008 9:37:08 AM  Martoogess  Ohio  I remember it fondly and like all memories, the beer is colored by the time and place. If it is Australia's favorite, how contemptuous of Austalians can you be? 
4/16/2008 7:15:39 AM  Paul Todd  San Diego CA  Looking for somewhere that sell VB in San Diego or online. Hope some one can help. Thanks  
4/16/2008 9:37:55 AM  The Holmes  San Diego  2 places to try: Aussie pub in Pacific Beach, and the new place in the gaslamp called Bondi on 4th I think. 
6/30/2008 11:39:09 PM  Jason  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  Can i get any VB or Carlton Draught in Detroit i will be over there in Late September 
12/23/2008 11:45:08 AM  Ian  Ventura  You can order VB from the Cellar 360 in san fran but its pretty expensive to get it shipped. and it will only ship in cali. you are lookin at about 80-100 bucks a case but it might be worth the road trip to the bay. 
3/17/2009 4:49:23 AM  XRumerMonstroZ  Belarus  Hey! Give me link for downloading XRumer 5.0 Palladium warez! Thank you... Very-very much. I'm so need this program for promote my online projects! This software is the best thing for online promo and mass posting, you know... And, dont send me XRumer 2.9 and XRumer 3.0 - that versions are too old! P.S. Google cant help me(((( 
3/22/2009 4:02:56 PM  Jon  San Diego, Ca  My friends and I took a spur of the moment trip to San Francisco to have Victoria Bitter at Cellar 360. Planned on Friday afternoon, plane trip on Saturday morning, back on Sunday morning. I used to live in Australia for two years in the early 90's and this is what you came to drink, only after you made it past Fosters, EMU, Swan, XXXX, Carlton and Red Back. Cellar 360 is what you would expect from the name a wine cellar. The VB was warm and not cold and they only carried stubbies. No cans or 750 ml bottles to be had. Yes the price was typical of any place that might serve beer; however you got no real discount for carry out. If you think you want to make the trip, expect to pay $4 a beer, 12 bucks for a 6 pack, and $38 dollars a case. Shipping in southern california runs about $38 dollars as well. So if you get it shipped expect to pay $76 a case. Now to the atmosphere of the place. The place had a wine tasting counter of where you could buy the VB; however don't get to comfy at the counter, as there are no chairs and they most likely will only let you have 3-4 beers at the most; which was sad at best. Then they kind of politely request that you come back another day. I figured for my trip to this place, I could expect a great day drinking ice cold VB. Instead what I got was a luke warm beer. The trip was worth it; however next time I am driving to forgo the hassle of trying to get beer home. For now I will savor my 12 pack until my next trip. 
8/1/2009 11:56:06 PM  Nikki_Hot_Girl  Canada  Hello. Great forum guys! I will stay here for long :) 
9/22/2009 6:10:02 PM  Mark  Springfield MO  Vic is the BEST. Please note it is NOT VB, but VICTORIA Bitter, from Victoria, and is the sharpest, most refreshing beer in the world! The next best is Carlton cold. Vic Bitter goes down easy, and is drunk in POTS and Sevens, not Middys or schooners, but is best drunk from a stubby while eating a four n twenty and watching Aussie rules, the best football in the world.  
10/13/2009 8:19:21 AM  helenparislex  USA  Hi friends!!!! I am newbie to this forum, Hope it's a share information tools. Thanks!  
10/17/2009 6:04:20 PM  Bobby    Hi, I am new to the forum and just saying hello. 
10/18/2009 9:50:42 AM  Teefupsedge  France  Hi People How are you doing? 
10/20/2009 3:52:17 PM  ilanawalterplex  USA  Hello all... I am a new here and hope I can learn with all of you and discuss about anything. Please welcome me. Thanks.  
10/21/2009 8:13:44 PM  Pam  TN  I too am seeking the infamous VB but have decided that it is easier to go back to Oz. 
12/10/2009 2:32:17 AM  StefenyDesouza  Canada  hi everyone, It feels really nice to be part of this special community. Anyone from Canada here? 
12/16/2009 7:12:40 AM  coach1340  chicago  im in chicago and need to get a hold of VB>>>>any suggestions...i 
2/16/2010 8:29:28 PM  MW  Oakville, Canada  Just got back from 1 week in Sydney....I love VB - but my first beer love WAS "Augustiner" from Munich...but that honor may have to go to VB...Great beer - which I could get it here. Cheers Mate! 
5/1/2010 12:06:07 PM  HaxDeabesub  USA  Hello all, i'm brand new here, i like this community I 'm brand new to being inside a community forum although mastered to find out exactly how to submit my very first post. I felt I have to say hello. Ciao, HaxDeabesub 
5/3/2010 6:39:43 PM  Jacko  Denver, Colorado  "And the best cold beer is Vic, Victorian Bitter, you can get it fencin you can get it shearin you can get it rootin matter of fact Ive got it now' Vic Bitter for a hard earned thirst"? somethin like that? I bloody wish I had a case of it in Denver right now!!!!!!!  
8/1/2010 8:20:39 PM  Rick G  Southern California  Cellar 360 in San Francisco is the answer to your prayers. As far as I know, it is the only place in the USA to get VB and right now they qre out awaiying their next shipment 
1/21/2012 11:26:15 AM  Slullymab  Denmark  Die Private Krankenversicherung oder aber auch PKV ist eine Krankenversicherung, welche sehr genau zu vergleichen ist, bevor man sich für eine Private Krankenvollversicherung entscheidet. Hintergrund sind die doch sehr unterschiedlich zugeschnittenen Tarifprodukte der einzelnen Anbieter für Private Krankenversicherungen. Billigtarife zu PKV gewähren zwar günstige Beiträge, allerdings kann bei solchen PKV`s das Leistungsniveau durchaus auch unterhalb dessen was die GKV leistet liegen. 
12/5/2012 10:41:44 PM  Cammodayscacy  Honduras  good! 
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