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# Beers 3724
# Bottles and Cans 4323
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# Cans 68
# Bottles and Cans this Year 55
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Avg. Alcohol 6.95
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Samuel Adams

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Company: Samuel Adams
Brand: Light
Type: Lager
Style: Light
Rating 2.5
Alcohol %: 0.0%
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Latest Sample Date: 11/23/2002
Appearance: Light golden, clear
Tasting Impressions:
Crisp. Ricey and grainey - sharp bite. Fairly watery. Great for a hot day. Gets fairly bland as it warms. Not a heck of a lot of flavor. Not bad, just not much to speak about.


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Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
3/28/2003 10:42:41 AM  Mike    I regularly drink the Boston Lager - it's quality stuff. When I tried this much advertised beer, I did not scream in suprise and cause someone to flick a dart in some other dude's ass like in the commercial. This beer is Coors Light in a different bottle - water with a twist of beer taste.  
4/11/2003 10:52:56 AM  Steve  Remember me from the "Brown" project in NJ last fa  I've been trying different American-made beers since Canada wouldn't back us up in the war. Usually I drink Labatt's Blue, which granted isn't a particularly heavy brew, but one night I pounded a few Sam Adams Lights and found it to be pretty good for a light beer. 
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