Beer Search

BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3775
# Bottles and Cans 4380
# Bottles 4263
# Cans 117
# Bottles and Cans this Year 6
# Projected Bottles and Cans 34
# Companies 1083
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.93
Avg. Rating 3.27

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For example, check out this sample Canadian Beer Label Report

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Bottle Collection Pictures

The Main Room.

Pictures go from left to right with some overlap.

  • Left is all USA
  • Mid-Left is Canada (top), Holland (middle) and USA (bottom)
  • Mid-Right is Australia (top), misc. large Belgian (middle), and some large German (bottom)
  • Right is all Belgian
  • Left is all USA
  • Mid-Left is Canada (top), Holland (middle) and USA (bottom)
  • Middle has some very large special bottles on the top row, then Australia (top), misc. large Belgian (middle), and some large German (bottom)
  • Mid-Right is all Belgian
  • Far right is all German
  • Mid-Right is Australia (top), misc. large Belgian (middle), and some large German (bottom)
  • Mid-Left is all Belgian
  • Mid-Right is all Germany
  • Far-Right is all Germany
  • All Germany

The Overflow Hallway

Pictures go from left to right

  • Northern Europe (top), Africa (middle), New Zealand (bottom) and some misc. countries. 
  • Left contains Asia (top), South and Latin America (upper middle), Eastern Europe (lower middle), Spain & Portugal (bottom)
  • Right contains all England
  • Right contains more England and the rest of the UK
  • The two other pictures can be seen in the background.

The Main Hallway

  • All USA beers.  Some rows at the bottom not shown.


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