Beer Search

BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3668
# Bottles and Cans 4262
# Bottles 4242
# Cans 20
# Bottles and Cans this Year 1
# Projected Bottles and Cans 3
# Companies 1070
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.94
Avg. Rating 3.27

Special Features

To find Beer Labels, use the Database Locator in the Find Beer menu.
For example, check out this sample Canadian Beer Label Report

Links Menu

Beer Label Web Sites

Name Logo Description
Beer Label MuseumA good sized collection of beer labels 
Bierlabel EncyclopediaA large beer label site (in Dutch) 
BrewLabelsA huge database of beer labels, mostly from the western USA. I credit them with many of the Beer logos for this site. 
Martin's Beer Label CollectionNo logoA very large collection of beer labels 
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